Why Stressed..??

Jatindeep Singh
3 min readNov 18, 2022

We all experience some form of stress in our life nowadays, whether it be related to work, relationships, studies, wealth, or other factors. Everybody deals with challenges in their lives that are unique to them, and every problem causes someone to overthink it, which makes them anxious or weary. This is bad for the human brain and body, and if it gets bad enough, it can lead to heart or panic attacks, sadness, anxiety.

Below is the theoretical definition of Stress, let’s read it out..

Everybody experiences stress, which is a typical human reaction. The human body is actually built to experience stress and respond to it. Your body responds physically and mentally to changes or challenges. That is stress.

Your body adjusts to new situations with the aid of stress responses. Stress can help us stay alert, motivated, and prepared to avoid danger. A stress response, for instance, may encourage your body to work harder and keep you awake longer if you have a big test coming up. But when stressors persist without relief or restful intervals, stress becomes a problem.

Ways to overcome stress in our daily lives:

Working Out
Regular exercise is one of the finest methods to unwind your body and mind. Additionally, exercise will elevate your mood. But for it to work, you have to do it frequently.

So how many hours per week should you exercise?

Work up to two and a half hours of moderately vigorous exercise, such as brisk walking, or 75 minutes of more vigorous exercise, such as swimming laps, jogging, or playing other sports.

Do What you like

It's important to schedule time for your favourite activities. It will help you manage your stress if you try to do something enjoyable every day. It doesn't need to take long; 15 to 20 minutes will do. Activities that are relaxing include:

  • Reading/Knitting
  • Making an art project
  • Playing Favourite Sport
  • Watching Movies
  • Playing Puzzle or Card and board games

Hangout with Friends

You may benefit from the emotional support of friends and family to help you get through difficult times and manage stress.

A study reveals that loneliness, depressive symptoms, and perceived stress are all connected in young adults with lower levels of support from friends, family, and romantic partners.

Your total mental health depends on having a social support system. Social support groups could be useful if you feel isolated and don’t have friends or family to rely on.

Yoga & Meditation

Yoga has gained popularity as a form of exercise and stress reduction for people of all ages. While there are many different types of yoga, they all aim to bring the body and the mind together through raising body and breath awareness.

Yoga has been shown in numerous studies to help with stress management and the signs of anxiety and depression. Additionally, it can support psychological health. These advantages appear to be connected to how your nervous system and stress response are affected.

Consistently meditating, even for little durations, may improve your mood and lessen the signs of stress and worry. Numerous books, apps, and websites can teach you the fundamentals of meditation if you want to give it a try. There might possibly be MBCT-focused therapists in your region.

Stress is an inevitable part of life, but it can have a negative impact on your physical and mental health if it persists.

You can fortunately lessen stress and enhance your overall psychological well-being by using a number of evidence-based strategies.

There are numerous methods you can use on your own to reduce stress, but it's crucial to seek assistance when you need it.

Make an appointment with a therapist or go to a reputable healthcare provider to discuss ways to improve your mental health if you're feeling overly stressed, anxious, or depressed, or if you're exhibiting any of these symptoms.

Additionally, a little gratitude would be appreciated if you find it fascinating….

Keep reading. Keep Smiling….



Jatindeep Singh

Writer & Researcher| Love to write about everything.